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MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 37: The 'F' Stands For OH CRAP DUCK

After a quick change of clothes, Sam and Co. set off for Rocket Reef!

... have I mentioned yet that this game considers the 'medieval fantasy' setting to be optional?

: Isn't that fascinating?

: Hey Lyndsay, if my hat blew off into the ocean, would you dive in to rescue it?

: Where did THAT come from? Do you even listen to me when I talk?

: Well, yeah, but not when I'm thinking about hats!

Sam continues to ignore them both, and eventually we arrive!

Rocket Reef: It's Gray(tm)



: Holy cats! What was that, pal?!

Lyndsay has her priorities in order.

As does Sam. Something blew up over there? Nah, I'd rather grab some fine loot over here.

He is shocked by Simoleons and Mana?

No! That is the face of surprise that means he has found a Thing!

Spoilers?? Anyway!

Let's go find out what blew up!

Upon climbing to the top of the stairs, Sam is confronted by this oddly-familiar trio.

: Our lab blew up, too.

Alexa thinks for a moment, then consults her clipboard.

: And so did our test pilot...

: Occupational hazard!!!

Dr. F evils off somewhere. After a moment, the orange-jumpsuited fellow puts his broom down and goes to talk to Alexa.

But Alexa is no longer listening.

Vic waits hopefully for a moment, then gives up and slumps off, presumably to sweep up an entire demolished building. Alexa ain't care.

Alexa notices us and hurries over.

: You guys! You aren't here for the safety inspection, are you?

: Um, no...

Sam shakes his head.

: Great! You're hired! I need you to go find Tobor.

: What's a Tobor?

: Tobor's our test pilot. He should be somewhere nearby. You go find him while I sort out Dr. F's latest catastrophe.

From across the way, Dr. F shouts at us:


: Okay... guess we'll go look for this Tobor?

Sam nods to Lyndsay, and Alexa hurries off to put out fires. Quite possibly literally. Let's ask the good doctor about this so-called 'test pilot'.

: However, I am concerned about how to distribute the claws for maximum destructive power!

Sam wisely does not engage further. So! It seems that Tobor is some kind of robot! I wonder where--

... oh. Um. I guess we... found him.


Next time on MySims Kingdom: Robots are totally medieval. Right?